Monday, September 24, 2007

Big news at Chicagoist!

Big news at Chicagoist!

I'm running a little late today, and really have to get out the door NOW, but you should be keeping an eye on Chicagoist today. I expand on why May Or May Not is a band to catch today, before the blow up, but that's not the big news. No, the BIG news is very, very exciting. You'll see.

Also, I'm supposed to see The Chemical Brothers tonight, but between a wedding, two band practices, three hour editors' meetings, and the jillion other things I did this weekend, I'm feeling a little worn out. Mebbe I'll be there, mebbe I won't !

Speaking of practice, the band is sounding good, and things are tightening up and getting louder.

Mebbe we should have taken that secret show next Friday ... I think we could've handled it!

UPDATE: Keep just wrote this, and I think it quite nicely sums up the parade of sticks I went through on Saturday:
Most surreal moment of the weekend.
Little flecks of saw dust, hickory floating everywhere, with each hit, beat.
I thought water was dripping from the ceiling.
It was kopeny. Beating up the drums. Poor drums.

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